Monday, March 17, 2014

Like Sweet, Sweet Manna

When yarn is literally falling from the sky, you push the person in front of you over and grab as many skeins as you can.  Right?

Actually, that's not what happened at all.

I attended Vogue Knitting Live! this weekend in Seattle (disclaimer: it was not actually in Seattle; it was in Bellevue, a large neighborhood outside of Seattle.  It made the Seattlites VERY angry that this event is labeled Seattle).  At the end of the event each year, they do a Yarn Drop: the lobby has skeins of yarn hanging by fishing wire off a balcony, and hopeful knitters gather on the floor below to try and catch the REALLY good ones.
Photo courtesy of the Vogue Knitting Live Facebook page.
You can see me standing about halfway down, looking up expectantly.

It made me really, really anxious.

Seriously, I thought someone was going to pull my hair out to get at the skein above me, a lovely pink/yellow/purple number that reminded me of sunsets.  Glorious, yarny sunsets.  We stood their, our necks aching as we looked up at the generous gods above us, standing against the balcony with scissors and occasional pulling on fishing wire to make the skeins dance in terrible torment.

Ten minutes before the scheduled drop, I made a deal with the girl standing next to me.  If she caught the amazing blue and I caught the awesome pink, we would swap.  When the cutting of the strings began, and the yarn came raining down upon me, I caught that pink.  And I caught two others!

I turned around and gave one away to a lady behind me who just couldn't push through the crowd to catch one herself.  I'll call it a sacrifice to karma; she didn't maul me, so she got a free skein of green superwash.

And the girl next to me was as good as her word.  Here are my wondrous spoils:

I'm travelling this week, so I'll leave my discussion about my two classes until I can get back home and add relevant pictures.  But it was a great conference.  I spent more money than I meant to on yarn (again), but I picked up these treasures for free.  Add the knowledge I gained and the time I spent just enjoying knitting, and it was totally worth it.

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